COVID-19 Special Rules and Updates
Updated 2/15/2022
As of February 12, 2022, the COVID-19 case rate in Frederick County has fallen below 20 per 100,000 population. This was the threshold set in Frederick County Board of Health Regulation 02-2021, so effective immediately Regulation 02-2021 is no longer in effect.
CDC recommends that masks be worn indoors in public by everyone two years and older (including people up to date on vaccinations) in areas of substantial or high community transmission. Frederick County remains in high transmission at this time.
Everyone visiting the market age 5 or older is encouraged to wear a protective mask when not actively eating or drinking.
Everyone must continue to follow these guidelines, as well:
- If you’re sick, please stay home.
- If you must use them, please wash your reusable bags before you bring them to the market.
- Pre-order when possible.
- Enter and exit the market where indicated.
- Do NOT walk behind or between tables.
- Have exact change if possible, or pay electronically.
- Maintain 6 feet of social distance.
- Do not touch surfaces or reach into bins, coolers, etc.
- Please purchase any product that you touch.
- Follow additional directions from Market Staff